
Inspiration April 22, 2021
Salon Inspiration Tour: The Parlor House | Lake...
From the moment you set foot in the Parlor House in Lake Charles, LA patrons feel right at home. And that’s intentional: the owners, Ira and Adrien Lyles, worked with local artisans, photographers, and designers to create a space...
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Inspiration November 10, 2020
Salon Inspiration Tour: Jaxson MaximusStep into Jaxson Maximus, and you are suddenly in the coolest, classiest, full-service man cave in the country. Located in Miami's financial district, the sophisticated, modern, industrial design of Jaxson Maximus is masculine but refined...

Tips & Advice September 14, 2020
An Update Regarding COVID-19As we continue to navigate through this unprecedented time for our planet, we wanted to take a moment to check-in to provide an update with the group of people that we value the most – our beloved customers. We’re in the...

Inspiration June 02, 2020
Salon Inspiration Tour: Wildflower Collective | Las Vegas, NVDesign Inspiration When you walk into the Wildflower Collective in Las Vegas, you are encompassed in a potpourri of inspiration and good vibes. The salon’s design perfectly combines Scandinavian hygge simplicity and elements of...

Tips & Advice April 22, 2020
Salons & Barbershops: Preparing for Business After COVID-19Photo: Elena Costa Salon Cleanliness & Hygiene Any salon owner, stylist, or barber knows the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in a salon setting – but once your business opens again, it is imperative that the...

Tips & Advice April 11, 2020
Salon & Barbershop Owners: 9 Ways To Work On Your Shop During COVID-19 LockdownPhoto: Citrus Salon Being stuck at home doesn’t mean you have to be out of business and out of touch. There are plenty of ways to stay productive and keep your salon services alive in the time of COVID 19 – all while...

Tips & Advice April 07, 2020
At-Home Salon: Should I Do It?Photo: Blade & Bourbon Are you looking for a change of pace from the hustle and bustle of the salon, but still want to keep your current clientele? If you’re a stylist with consistent and loyal clients, we have an easy...

Inspiration March 18, 2020
Salon Inspiration Tour: Carol & Betty’s | Atlanta, GAWhen you walk into Carol & Betty’s salon in Atlanta, Georgia, you are transported to a different time. Think Golden Girls meets Valley of the Dolls meets your grandma’s beauty shop, while adding several chic, modern...

Tips & Advice March 01, 2020
Buy-Rite Essentials: Esthetician Equipment ListPhoto: The Parlor House Looking for an essential esthetician equipment list? Look no further! Our team of experts at Buy-Rite put together an esthetician equipment list so you can check off all your boxes, whether you are just...

Tips & Advice February 24, 2020
Buy-Rite’s Essential Barber Shop Equipment ListOpening a new barber shop is exciting, but it can be a challenge keeping track of all the essential equipment you need to be ready for your grand opening. Our experts at Buy-Rite put together a list of barber...